Band Boosters

SRHS Band Boosters

Our Band Booster organization is comprised of parents and guardians of current band students that allow us to do what we do! The band relies greatly on support from parents. We operate as a charitable group under 501 (c) (3) in cooperation with the high school, parents/guardians, community and band directors. Our prime functions’ are to facilitate programs and to raise additional funds to allow the band to flourish. From chaperoning, driving trucks, preparing food, or volunteering in the Band office, there is a way all parents can be involved in our program!


With a program of our size, it is very important we have parents that will volunteer to chaperone our events. The safety and well-being of our students it always our first priority! To become a chaperone, you must be a legal parent/guardian of a student and complete a short training session.


Prism is our largest fundraise for the SRHS Band Program. It allows us to provide provide high quality music education at a very minimal cost. There are many ways we can use parent/family support during Prism! We need help with decorating, preparing Benefactors meals, ushering during concerts, driving golf carts, and selling tickets.

Student support

The biggest way to support the band program as a parent/family member is to encourage your student in the pursuit of their goals! Our activity can get difficult at times and having a supportive adult to encourage students to keep pushing is extremely important. It truly takes everyone to help students “Strive for the Highest!”